
Courses taught at UConn

  1. ECE 6095 – Learning and Nonlinear Control
  2. ECE 3111 – Systems Analysis (includes controller implementation project on quadcopter or inverted pendulum platform)
  3. ECE 4122 – Systems Lab
  4. ECE 6171 – Mobile Robotics (new course created) Topics: Rotations and Translations, Basic Pose operations, Kinematic and Dynamic Models of common robots, Basics of imaging, Localization and Mapping, Vision-based control, New topics added: Robot control using E-L systems (Lyapunov-based controller design, adaptive control)
  5. ECE 3161/ME 3161 – Introduction to Robotics (co-taught)
  6. UTC-IASE SE 5202 – Foundation of Controls (co-taught)
  7. Senior Design (co-taught)
  8. ENGR 1166 – Introduction to Engineering (co-taught)

Guest course taught at IIT-Delhi
1. Guest lecture course on Human-Robot Collaboration at IIT-Delhi India
Lecture 1 – Introduction, Lecture 2 – IMM and Intent Estimation,
Lecture 3 – EM and Intent Estimation, Lecture 4 – Safe Robot Control.